Being that we are so close to the celebration of Resurrection Day, Luke 24:13-35 is a great passage to reflect upon after going through the holiday and its full celebration.
The theme of redemption culminates in the resurrection of Jesus, but it is important to know that the sacrifice was not unforeseen or unforetold. Just as the disciples missed the culmination of redemption, so I also missed it until I was regenerated by God himself. What a wonderful event to occur because for all who are saved experience a road to Emmaus.
This involves Jesus imparting faith through the scriptures which preach his eternal, sufficient gospel. No one can come to Christ without Christ himself, and when he comes to Christ, Christ does the work himself. God is the Savior, and even though there are human events that he works through, the power and conversion is solely the responsibility of God.
Additionally, as the scriptures are explained so the person of Jesus becomes all the more real in that we know him more for who he truly is. Learning and studying scripture for years has continued to show me more of Jesus, which is lifechanging and transformational. Such study and imparted knowledge of Messiah removes idolatrous views of our great God, which are then replaced by proper knowledge of the King. The same was for the men on the road to Emmaus.
Those two disciples of Jesus began to know Christ as he truly was – who he truly was, and that changed their lives: so redemption has been known to do that. Upon seeing Christ for who he was, the battered and abused Messiah, they spread their good news to all to proclaim the risen Lord, Jesus the Son of God who came to save mankind. All of this brings my heart great happiness and my resolve to serve Jehovah when I read such a passage.
The road to Emmaus is the road to evangelism of the good news of Jesus, the Son of God, which must be shared with others. I hope to do this in whatever way is possible so that the Father may be glorified, and the Son be lauded through the work of the Spirit. Just as those men on the road to Emmaus, let us also see the risen Savior and tell of his glorious work to save sinners. All praise, honor, and fear to the great King and Creator: Jesus the Nazarene, the Messiah.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.